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James White

James White, CFP®, MSFS

Managing Partner, Financial Advisor



James White is a founding member of Tempus Wealth Planning. James began his career in the Financial Services industry in 2003 after completing his B.S. in Business Management with an emphasis in Financial Services from Brigham Young University. With a keen interest in comprehensive financial planning, James later earned his Masters of Science in Financial Services (MSFS) from The American College in 2009. He is proud to have helped create a fee-only firm committed to fulfilling its fiduciary mission of putting clients and their needs first.

James is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional. As such, he is primarily responsible for providing financial planning advice and services to clients of Tempus Wealth Planning. CFP© practitioners are held to strict ethical standards in addition to meeting rigorous education, examination and experience requirements.

James is married to Melissa and they are the parents of 5 children. In addition to keeping up with a busy family life, James is also active with his church. A native of Southern California, he enjoys sports and is an ardent supporter of the Dodgers, Lakers, and BYU athletics.